About Us

Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.
Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.
Dream your tomorrows with us, do something you enjoy!

Vici Utoyo / CEO

「ファントムオブキル」(gumi)、「モンスターギア バーサス」(セガゲームス)
「悪魔城ドラキュラ Grimoire of Souls」(コナミデジタルエンタテインメント)

Interpersonal Skills (ability to interact, work or relate effectively with people)0

Conceptual Skills (ability for abstract thinking and formulating ideas)0

Technical Skills (ability to use a variety of techniques: creative, machines, software, etc)0

Yuu Miyabe / Executive officer

・LINE にて
「B612」、「snow」、「LINE news」、
「LINE LIVE」などのテストエンジニアを経験
その後、Maybe you Designを設立し独立。ホームページ制作、広告代理業務などを営む。

Interpersonal Skills (ability to interact, work or relate effectively with people)0

Conceptual Skills (ability for abstract thinking and formulating ideas)0

Technical Skills (ability to use a variety of techniques: creative, machines, software, etc)0